Of the 763 citizens living in Andersonville in 2019, 99.7 percent said they were only one race, while 0.3 percent said they were two or more races, according to U.S. Census Bureau data obtained in January.
Through the fourth quarter of 2020, businesses in Ripley received $1 million in health-related relief from the CARES Act issued by the Department of Health and Human Services.
Through the fourth quarter of 2020, one business in Rio Grande received $1,921 in health-related relief from the CARES Act issued by the Department of Health and Human Services.
The Cincinnati VA Medical Center, subsidiary 539GF in Georgetown, Ohio scheduled 983 pending appointments in May compared to 1,669 during the same period last year, according to data collected from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
Of the 329 citizens living in Adelphi in 2019, 99.1 percent said they were only one race, while 0.9 percent said they were two or more races, according to U.S. Census Bureau data obtained in January.
The Chillicothe VA Medical Center, subsidiary 538GE in Cambridge, Ohio scheduled 1,829 pending appointments in May compared to 2,497 during the same period last year, according to data collected from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
Through the fourth quarter of 2020, one business in Richmond Dale received $670 in health-related relief from the CARES Act issued by the Department of Health and Human Services.
Of the 1,552 citizens living in Aberdeen in 2019, 96 percent said they were only one race, while four percent said they were two or more races, according to U.S. Census Bureau data obtained in January.
The Chillicothe VA Medical Center, subsidiary 538GB in Portsmouth, Ohio scheduled 2,990 pending appointments in May compared to 4,588 during the same period last year, according to data collected from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
Through the fourth quarter of 2020, one business in Quaker City received $71 in health-related relief from the CARES Act issued by the Department of Health and Human Services.
“CLARIFYING ROLE OF DOCTORS OF PODIATRIC MEDICINE IN DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS.....” was published on pages H2779-H2780 of the Congressional Record on June 15, 2021.
The Chillicothe VA Medical Center, subsidiary 538 in Chillicothe, Ohio scheduled 16,378 pending appointments in May compared to 21,434 during the same period last year, according to data collected from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
Through the fourth quarter of 2020, businesses in Proctorville received $671,923 in health-related relief from the CARES Act issued by the Department of Health and Human Services.
Through the fourth quarter of 2020, businesses in Portsmouth received $23.4 million in health-related relief from the CARES Act issued by the Department of Health and Human Services.